Friday, June 16, 2006

Work your fingers to the bone and whattya get? Bony fingers.

Oh holy hell. I think that if it gets any busier at work, I just might die. Rene always says that it slows done in the summer on account of everyone going on vacation and not getting dental work done, but summer doesn't seem to be slowing done our dentist's patients. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to be working and all. A paycheck very seldom goes amiss in my book, but then again, I like to be able to breathe occasionally when I'm at work. Exhibit A: I have to work for at least a half day tomorrow because there's no way I can get everything done that needs to be done if I don't. Now granted, this will not result in overtime pay because I took a half day off on Tuesday because I was sick, so really I'm just making up for lost time, but still! I used to be able to go home early all the time with no thought for the consequences. Add to the pile the fact that some of our dentists are useless twats that appear to be doing dental work with a chainsaw, and my life gets complicated. I poured a model THREE times this morning because the preps are so small and pointy that they cannot maintain structural integrity. The best of the batch is still going to have to be glued together before we can work on it. At least we got a new grindstone, so I don't have to kill myself trying to grind these models into shape. I ALSO having waxing I have to get done today. *sigh* I know you probably don't understand any of this, but take my word for it, I'm swamped. Rene says I'll get a raise in a month. A whole nother dollar! HOORAY!

Also making me happy is the fact that tonight Lawrence and I are going hot-tubbing! There's this place in Dallas where you can go rent a room with a hot tub, sauna (I think), and shower, and use it as long as you pay for. Pretty sweet! I'm always sore after a plaster bench day, so that should be nice and relaxing. Then it's straight back to work in the morning. Grrr. At least it'll keep my creditors happy.

Oh yeah. Speaking of creditors, my student loan people sent me a letter yesterday saying that an employee of a company the deal with "lost a piece of equipment" with some people's names and social security numbers on it, and they think mine was one of the ones lost. Joy! They don't THINK I've been the victim of identity threat yet, but I'm supposed to keep an eye out. Isn't that fabulous! I need to think happy thoughts now. *hot tub. hot tub. hot tub.*


Joshie said...

Dude, tell them you HAVE been the victim of identity theft...retroactively. Some unscrupulous person went back in time and charged YEARS of schooling to YOU! The travesty! The only thing the company can do now to calm you down is to excuse all of that debt and refund any monies you might have inadvertently paid toward the fallacious charges. Once you convince them of the time travel, the rest should be cake. :) On second thought, you should avoid the words unscrupulous, travesty and know, to keep up the uneducated facade...uh, I mean lie.

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

I think this could work. It's a good plan. I am excited to be a part of this plan. Wait. . .nah, I'd have to actually call and talk to people, and that sounds like WAY too much trouble. Oh well.

cainnum said...

yeah im with margie on this. why do something when you can nothing. how did the hotub thing go. sounds sexy. your work sounds confusing and hard, but at least your getting money. makes sitting at a computer for eight hours straight seem like a cakewalk.

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

Hot tubbing was fun, and it went very well. And it was sexy. ;) As sexy as posible in swimsuits. Ok, maybe slightly less sexy than possible. But I digress. And I would much rather do my job than yours. If I had to sit a computer for 8 hours a day I would kill myself. But different strokes for different folks and all.