Tuesday, June 06, 2006

doom and gloom

I woke up in the worst mood today. Last night Lawrence and I had a long talk about stuff like how he doesn't call as much or dote over me as much already, and we've only been together almost 5 months. Sometimes it feels like we've already been married for years, especially since we're not having sex. He's worried that when Ethan gets here we'll never see each other because I'm gonna be doing the mom thing, and he needs to work on his professional skills, so he'll be busy too. Today I woke up with the feeling that most marriages end in divorce, and the people who don't get divorced are miserable half the time, so what's the point? If we're already having problems, maybe it's not meant to be after all. Why should I put both of us through the misery? Maybe it's better to just end it now and avoid all the suffering. What's the point of even trying? What's the point of anything? Then I came home and didn't feel like talking about dinner, so mom got mad at me and told me my attitude better change before Ethan comes home. She can read me so well and knows exactly what to say. That was sarcasm. On the plus side, being depressed destroys my appetite, so maybe I'll lose some weight.


KieraAnne said...

Yeah dump him! j/k ;) Patrick and I aren't miserable all the time....in fact I'm pretty sure there have only been a couple of hours total where we were anything bordering on misery. So it'll be fine. Whether with Lawrence or someone else, it will all work out in the end. ;)

Joshie said...

Finally! Now that you see the foolishness of your ways, you can settle down and become my full time fag hag. Sure you'll grow miserable and resentful for what could have been, but you'll have lots of cats to keep you company as you stand sidelines to MY fast-paced, jet-set, gay lifestyle. Of course, my life isn't all that exciting right now...but now that I have a permanent wing-woman, all that will change. Okay, first things first, you'll have to get a better job so that I can mooch off of you for the rest of my life. Hey, I won't have time for serious work with all my antics ensueing...so you'll have to float the bill. Secondly, you'll have to shallow it up a bit...that shouldn't be too hard now that your soul is dying on the inside. I would feel sorry for that...but you had your chance at happiness, and you chose "loveless shell of a person" instead...so now, it's ME time. Oh yeah, baby...get your novelty shot glasses, it's time to skank up the joint! :)

cainnum said...

im sorry babe. HUGS!!!

Tony Heywood said...

Thats sounds sad. I hope you sorted it out. Divorce is a part of life but not a great one. I have been through one and it really wasn't fun.

You should make sure you get International Divorce Solicitors advice before you do anything.