Sunday, May 08, 2005

rated NC-17

So Josh gets upset with me because he thinks I obsess way to much about men and getting married. It's been bugging me, so I thought about it, and I think it's normal that I do. And here's why. I'm SO. FUCKING. HORNY. Seriously. When I was in my youth, people told me that women have their sexual peak at thirty, and I was like, right, no fucking way can I get more horny than I am now. RIGHT. Dear lord. So here I am at thirty. Peaking. And I'm missing it. Cause I'm abstinent. Until I get married. Which is obviously not happening any time soon. My peak is passing me by. I eat, drink and breathe sex, but not in a literal sense, cause I can't. I think if I even had the prospect of sex I would feel better about it. But no one wants me. The last guy that made a serious attempt at me was in 1998. I know I say that a lot, but I don't think most people can really grasp how long a time that is. Some times I accept the inevitable and concentrate on being a mom and on improving myself, but then I see a hot guy or some guy is nice to me, and there my little hormones go, foraging off on their own again. I know I've said it before, but I hear guys think of sex every seven seconds. To which I reply, that's it?


Margie the Pickle Princess said...

Well it appears that nobody likes to be confronted with the serious Margie. Maybe I should get a secret blog so that I can put the real stuff there.

Joshie said...

We've discussed this before, and I couldn't think of any new insights. Sorry. But, if it helps, I don't think about sex every seven seconds. I sometimes go days without thinking about it...but I do seem to notice every hot guy that comes within visual range. :)

KieraAnne said...

I'm sorry you think so much about sex...I used to be like that and I thought that no one would ever want to marry me. Seriously I had only gone out on three dates before Patrick and none of them even asked for a second. I never got checked out, no boys talked to me...I even took institute, which is supposed to be a big meat-market and only one boy talked to me ever and that was only because he was in a fraternity and noticed I was pledging for a sorority (I dropped out and he didn't talk to me again). I know that's not seven years, but I sympathize. I think Patrick must be abnormal or something 'cuz he likes me so much...I never expected to be married at 22. So I guess I'm saying, I understand to an extent and that I'm sure there's some boy out there that likes you. :)