Tuesday, May 24, 2005

I come not to bury Whedon, but to praise him

I was never a Buffy-ite like all my friends. I wasn't able to watch for most of the run, cause I had a young child who shouldn't have been watching such violent and supernatural fare, and my mother strongly disapproved of the show, so if I tried to watch it and let my son play by himself she would get that look that she gets, or she would yell at me, which is much harder to ignore. So I never really got to see Buffy the Vampire Slayer until about the last year and a half. And I liked it. I then started watching Angel. And I liked that, too. But I really didn't like them to the point of ardent fanatic status or anything like that. And ALL of my friends really seem to be at that point. I thought I just didn't get it, like always, and let it go. But over the years, as my friends constantly quote and reference Buffy, I started to feel like I really needed to be brought up to speed on the situation, or risk being left behind for the rest of my life! So, when I saw Buffy, season one, on sale for a mere fifteen dollars, I decided that it was a must have. So I bought it, and a few weeks later I started watching. I have watched the first disk. The first four episodes. They are SO GOOD! Seriously. The end of the series has nothin' on the beginning. They all look so young! And they are so funny! Zander isn't whiney and annoying! Buffy's not constantly falling into a funk! Willows so cute and not wielding phenomenal cosmic powers! Giles isn't plotting and conspiring! And Angel! I really didn't know he was in from day 1. I thought he came along later. He's cute! And not brooding! I can now see why Buffy liked him. That is quality entertainment my friends. I wonder what's going to happen when I have to pay full price for the rest of the seasons. Suck!


cainnum said...

16 bucks for season one?! damn! season three is the best in my opinion. i'm lucky and found a big buffy group in austin. they show buffy on this outdoor screen every tuesday night at a coffee shop near my girlfriend's place called spiderhouse. but they're switching to firefly starting in june. i can't wait!

KieraAnne said...

Yay! Margie has come over to the dark side! Buffy ROCKS! Although, I didn't really care for season 1 that much, I agree with Cainnum that season 3 was one of the best...wait...that wasn't when she went to college was it? The one with the Mayor as the bad guy is the best...the first year of college kinda sucked!