Wednesday, April 27, 2005
still losing
I weighed in yesterday at 231. Today I forgot till after my shower. Showers always make me weigh more, and I came in at 238. So I'm going with yesterday's. I like it better.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Things I hate
-stupid people
-annoying people
-people who don't use their trunsignal when I'm waiting to go or when they are trying to move into my lane in heavy traffic
-stupid laws
-being fat
-being lazy
-being uneducated
-being poor
-being horribly in debt
-living with my parents
-how my mom takes everything I say personally
-how my dad constantly yells and is a jerk and then yells at me to "not yell at him like that" and claims that he doesn't yell
-how my son has to put up and be ruined by dumb teachers
-having to go back to work today
-cub scouts, the program not the actual individual scouts
-guys that just see me as a fat chick and therefore invisible
-how my house is a huge mess
-how people in public only want to talk to me when I feel antisocial
-driving with no air conditioning
-when my knee hurts
-when I can't do the things I want because of physical or financial limitations
-when my mom repeats all the funny lines in a show or movie. I mean it EVERY line.
-when Ethan tries to force me to play video games I don't like
-when people try to manipulate me
-annoying people
-people who don't use their trunsignal when I'm waiting to go or when they are trying to move into my lane in heavy traffic
-stupid laws
-being fat
-being lazy
-being uneducated
-being poor
-being horribly in debt
-living with my parents
-how my mom takes everything I say personally
-how my dad constantly yells and is a jerk and then yells at me to "not yell at him like that" and claims that he doesn't yell
-how my son has to put up and be ruined by dumb teachers
-having to go back to work today
-cub scouts, the program not the actual individual scouts
-guys that just see me as a fat chick and therefore invisible
-how my house is a huge mess
-how people in public only want to talk to me when I feel antisocial
-driving with no air conditioning
-when my knee hurts
-when I can't do the things I want because of physical or financial limitations
-when my mom repeats all the funny lines in a show or movie. I mean it EVERY line.
-when Ethan tries to force me to play video games I don't like
-when people try to manipulate me
Monday, April 25, 2005
I know I'm supposed to post about my attempt at weight loss on Wednesday, but I need to tell everyone about something strange. I weighed myself this morning, and I had dropped to 132! That's 8 lbs in 2 weeks, which was completely unexpected because I've been pretty bad about watching what I eat and I didn't exercise last night. But I think the explanation is at hand. I haven't lifted weights since Tuesday. I must have lost muscle. I think the answer is clear. I should become sloth incarnate. It's foolproof!
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
2 lbs
It's been a week since I vowed to lose 25 lbs by the end of May, and I realize now that that is not as much time as I thought. I was thinking that was 2 and 1/2 months, but it's only 1 1/2 months. Or 7 weeks to be exact. Which is 3 2/3 lbs a week, which I think is a little too much. I was thinking 2 lbs a week sounded good, which is exactly how much I lost this week. So, I met my goal, but didn't realize it was the wrong goal. But if I only lose 2 lbs a week, that's only 14 lbs, which is crap. grrrr. I have to step it up a notch.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Sin City
Holy crap. We went to see Sin City this Saturday. At the time I was extremely pleased with it. The cinematography by itself was enough to send a visual stimulation junkie like me into seizures. The story line was fabulouso with enough twists and turns to equal a roller coaster, and not a crappy one like Mr Freeze. All in all, a satisfying experience. When I saw it I was like, "That was good." Now that three days have passed, I realize that I can't get that freaking movie out of my head. Every few minutes of every day, my brain comes circling back to it. I keep having to restrain myself from telling all my coworkers about things that happened in the movie, cause one of them really wants to see it, and it's just rude to reveal anything about the movie because that might take away some of the joy he can later experience. So, in retrospect, I realize that Sin City wasn't a good movie. It was FREAKING AWESOME. Most movies are gone from my head after a few hours. Only the truly sublime can captivate me for this long.
Friday, April 15, 2005
I'm a freak, I'm a weirdo. What the Hell am I doing here?
Well, it finally happened. Today I got emotional about Ethan leaving. Just a little. But then he acted like an ass and it all went away. I've been painting the bathroom, and it's making my back hurt. I've also been very happy because my dad replaced the serpentine belt on yon car and the gas mileage got WAY better. Which is very good for the pocket book these days and all. So I've been thinking about something. You know how we all know people that we can talk to for a few minutes, but we really don't like them very much and would generally just prefer to avoid? Maybe they're a little annoying or weird or desperate or clingey or something. So we humor this person by talking to them politely for a few minutes and then try to disengage politely by looking away or edging away. And then the next time we see them we act really busy or preoccupied so they don't talk to us. Well over the course of my lifetime, I've felt like I'm that person on more than one occasion, but lately it's been intensifying. Josh says it's because I'm self centered and paranoid, but I don't think that's it. I mean, I know there's going to be a certain percentage of the population that thinks I'm weird. Cause I'm the first to admit I'm not exactly mainstream or anything. Of course that percentage of the population does accounting for a living and wears khakis on their day off, so I really don't think I'd mesh well with them anyway. And there's bound to be some people that find me annoying, I personally think I'm extremely difficult and intolerable, but I generally try not to let that come across to the public at large. So what is the situation here, anyway? My theory is that I'm getting out there more, and so I'm seeing more of the reaction and in actuality it was like this all along but I was avoiding talking to people so I didn't notice so much. Now, whenever I ask friends about things like this I find I tend to be inundated with responses like, "I think you're great," and, "You're just so Margie!" Which isn't very light shedding, so I don't ask friends anymore, but I will continue to watch and see if it's happening. In my writing analysis book it says that only five percent of the population writes like I do. And most of my good friends write that way. Maybe there's a correlation. Maybe I'm only compatible with the five percent. And then in that five percent there's bound to be natural variation such as different interests and so on. hmmm. This bears further study.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Weighty issues
Ok. So I had this thing with a friend that we were trying to lose thirty pounds in 2 months, which I said was too much, but he disagreed. So I worked hard and lost 20 lbs in two months, and then managed to get down to 30, and lost all momentum. I even put 10 lbs back on. So I guess what I need is concrete goals, so I'm making one. And making it publicly. I am going to lose 25 lbs by the end of May. That will get me down to 215. It's amazing that I'm trying to get down to a weight that is still way over weight, but what can ya do? I have to be strong. I have to have willpower. I have to stop stuffing every thing I see into my face. So here goes. You will be my jury. The scale will be my judge. Hopefully, I'll pull it off.
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Bitch, bitch, bitch
So, I've been thinking about what I should post next, and the thought occurs to me to talk about the downside of blogging. I mean, sure, it's theraputic and sometimes funny, but there is a definate problem with it. It's public. I know, I know, that's great! And in general it's true, it is great. But then there are the times when you actually want to bitch about someone who might be or definately will be reading it. Now don't everybody go getting all nuerotic on me wondering if it's you or not, I'm actually speaking hypotheitically here. But say I felt like going on a major rant about Josh or Kiera or Cainnum. I KNOW that they read these, so I could only do that if I was so upset with them that I didn't care if they stayed friends with me or not. Or Dave, Candi, Mark, or Mary. I know that they are all aware of my blog, but I'm not sure they read it religiously or at all. So it's chancy. I could go off about one of them, hoping that this might be one of the times they decide to skip it, but that's a dangerous game. And then there's the people that I haven't told about my blog, but I might decide to tell in the future, like Mike, Evelyn, and any countless others. What if I write about Mike and then later FORGET that I wrote about him, and invite him to read my blog because he deserves to see the particularly brillant things I said that day. Devestation! So I see two solutions to this conundrum. I can either keep to blogs, a public blog where I'm scintilating, and a secret blog where I bitch about every little thing my friends do, OR, I can just not talk about anybody but my mom. We all know I'll NEVER stop bitching about her.
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