Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bringing home the bacon, etc.

All's well in Margie-land. I'm behind on my homework because apparently I can't work and go to school at the same time, but I'm catching up. I had been really busy with work, but it seems that some of the jobs they had been sending me on were just because the lady who normally did them was out for surgery, and they gave them back to her when she came back. Ungrateful! So this week, I've only had a couple of jobs, but I got hit with massive allergies that turned into a painful ear infection, so it all worked out after all. Today they sent me to sub for someone that got hurt at a house that I had helped in before, and the lady there likes me so much that she called the office and requested me permanently! I think it's cause I listen to her while she tells me all about her medical conditions, and the last maid didn't speak much English. :) Maybe being fluent in the language DOES help sometimes! Tomorrow I go back to the only house that I've broken something in. It was a painted rock. You heard me. I'll have to be extra careful this time. I like this lady, and I'd like to get her permanent-like too, but if I keep breaking stuff she'll boot me fer sure!

It took me longer to post than I wanted because I was going to take a picture to post of the latest addition to my family, but I haven't gotten around to it. I went and got myself a cat from the SPCA. He's a huge orange and white short hair tom, although the orange is so light it looks kinda tan. He's 2 years old, and he's got some scars and a chunk missing from his right ear. When the girl took him out and handed him to me, he started purring and rubbing his cheek against mine and giving me kisses. Who could resist that?!? His name is Sprite, but he was immediately re-dubbed Spritecus Maximus, both because of his size and cause he gives off the air of being a tough gladiator type, although you and I know he's just a softy that loves to love ya, baby. Mittens (the cat from next door) is very confused by all this. He thought he was the only cat for me. Sad really. Also, turns out I'm allergic to cats. I've had cats all my life, so I never put it together before. *sigh* Too late now. I'll just have to make with the vacuuming.

Speaking of vacuuming, now that I clean houses all the time, my messy messy house is driving me batty. Seriously. It is a chaotic evil that must be stopped. I'm planning on taking some major time this summer to get right on top of that situation. Since I'm going to UNT full time this fall, and will still need to work unless my financial aid is mammoth, I certainly won't have time to do it in the fall!

Seems that now that my kid is old and less cuddly, I'm loving the nursery. Who knew?!? It's fun most of the time, except when there's a full moon or sumtin and all the kids are super cranky. There's two new girls that just came into the nursery, and one wants me and only me all the time. She screams like a fire truck when her parents drop her off. Seriously, I'm afraid of hearing damage. So I have to take her in the hall to calm her down, then take her back in and hold her for at least 30-45 minutes until she realizes that playing with toys is fun. Even then she doesn't want to get too far from me and she has to return regularly to make sure everything's ok. There's another baby that ALSO wanted me to hold her, so I had a double armful for a while on Sunday. Fortunately, the second one was much smaller than the first (who's family calls her chubs cause she's so big). It's actually making not getting married easier, strangely enough. You see, I know I'm supposed to be in the nursery. Five separate people turned in my name when they needed someone, and knowing that I'm where God needs me to be helps me to be patient and know that when I'm done there it'll be time. I personally think it's cause of Whitney (the screamer/Chubs). Since she normally won't let anyone but one of her parents hold her, and she likes me, I'm the right person to acclimate her to nursery. And believe you me, her mom NEEDS her to go to nursery! She has 3 girls under 4, and she's already had one nervous breakdown, so I'm glad to take some of her stress off. Ironically, I have two of her girls in the nursery, and she teaches Ethan's class, so we just trade kids.

So anyhoo. This is turning into a novel, and I gots homework to do, not to mention that dinner ain't gonna make it's self. Hasta la pasta!