I must admit to you that while I appreciate not feeling obligated to update my blog during these crazy times, I've also been missing it. I've been thinking that I should start again maybe. So this is a trial to see if anyone gives a crap. :)
So I figure the only person who's gonna read this will be Kiera, but just in case I thought I should give an update on what's been going on since November. Here's the big things:
1) My brother Joe's been in the hospital with Burkitt's Lymphoma since January 9th. If you don't know the story, go to www.bigjoewatch.blogspot.com
2) My dad had a sextuple arterial bypass on July 11th (the day after my b-day). He's doing fine.
3) Our cat got diagnosed with FIP and died. I've been having major cat withdrawal, but we can't get a new one; partly because it lives in the environment for 2 months, partly because with all the hospital stuff I just don't think I can care for a new cat properly, and partly because my boyfriend's allergic and since I plan on moving in with him within a cat's lifespan, it's really not right for me to get one.
4) My son came home rather than staying with his Dad for 6th grade as was planned. It's a long story, but let's just say that his step mom was kinda stressed and couldn't handle all the kids. I was super freaked about him coming back due to the circumstances, but he's been so sweet and helpful that he's been a real blessing. I'm really glad to have him here with us.
5) School starts next week, and rather than going to Argyle, Ethan's going to be attending a charter school called The Education Center. ( http://www.theeducenters.org/theeducentersatdenton )
We're really excited about this place, and hope for Ethan to make a lot of good progress there. The drawbacks are that they don't have door to door pick-up and drop-off and that it's not a "normal" school experience, but the nicest thing is that when we move, Ethan won't have to change schools AGAIN. Plus, possibly no homework! SWEET!
6) No, I'm still not engaged. But I'm actually good with it. Lawrence and I had a series of talks this summer and I found out that he's WAY more traumatized from his ex-marriage than I realized. So, I'll wait. I'm not giving him an ultimatum or anything like that. I've prayed about it and I really feel like waiting is the right thing to do, but I DID tell him to get back in counselling. THAT's non-negotiable. For now I'm just chilling and enjoying the wonderful relationship that we have right now. Even if that does mean that I'm STILL NOT GETTING ANY! *grumble grumble* :)
7) I'm still making teeth for a living. Barely. The current economic crises has seriously impacted our business. I get enough hours to scrape by. As long as I don't need anything like gas or meds. I'm off my arthritis medication because it's too expensive, and that kinda blows. But Ethan's ADHD meds are more important. SERIOUSLY.
8) I'm out of tae kwon do for the moment. My contract was up for renewal in July, and considering the constraints on my time and wallet, I thought it would be better to let it slide for a while. Which is good, cause without my arthritis pills, I don't think I could do it anyway! :) I'll go back when I can, but not right now!
Well, I think that's all the big stuff. Maybe I'll be back soon! I'll see ya when I look at ya!